Sunday, October 13, 2013

Dear Hill Seekers,

To the determined,
the persistent. 
To those who are fearful of complacency, 
and petrified of mediocrity.
To the boundary pushers, 
to those who don't have an apathetic bone in their bodies.
To the fearless, 
the pursuers of greatness.
To those who think about quitting, 
but then push even harder. 

We are the hill seekers. 

What makes us crave the hills? 
What is it that makes our bodies ache for the burn of accomplishment?
Is it the satisfaction of sweat trickling down our faces,
or the rush of the wind thats is conjured solely through strength and speed?

The rush.
The burn. 
The pulsating pain you convince yourself is
The deafening heartbeat throbbing in your ears.
The focus,
The adrenaline,
The sweet gratification of reaching the top. 

Nothing in this world that is worth having comes easy.
All of the best things are only achieved through dedication and struggle.
A college degree, great abs, a wonderful marriage, 
the perfect little black dress...

The most remarkable part about the struggle, 
is not that it is the means by which you achieve the goal, 
but rather that the hill itself is the catalyst for change within you. 
It's not what you accomplish that makes you who you are, 
but how you did it, 
and the journey you took to get there.
The struggle is the most important part of your story.

Life truly does begin outside of your comfort zone.
Outside of the boxes of conformity, 
and life spans past the realm of the ordinary. 

Life happens on the hills.
At your weakest moments, 
You prove you are stronger than you ever imagined.
When you feel like you can't do anything else but give up, 
You discover you have the will to keep going.
It is in that moment you grow.

You are powerful beyond measure.
Your fire is unquenchable.
The determination and passion that is embedded deep in your bones
is so much stronger than any hill you will ever face. 
The flat ground may be easy, 
but growth is not bred through stagnancy. 

Keep climbing.
Keep pushing.
Keep growing.

With all my love, Meg


  1. You are... one heck of a good poet. Keep up the great work! I can't wait to read more!
