Friday, October 4, 2013

Dear Beloved Friend,

(Please watch video first)

You are so loved. 
You are valued. 
You are important.
This world needs you, 
just as YOU are.
You are a beloved child of the 
of the heavens and earth.
You were crafted with beauty and purpose.
He has monumental plans for you and your life, 
You are needed.
You are wanted.
You are not a mistake.
There is NO truth in the lie that you don’t matter.

You are inspiring.
You are encouraging.
You are worth so much more than what you value yourself to be.

Everyday you decide to keep pushing forward, 
Every time you wake up and make it through another day,
no matter the circumstances,
You inspire me, 
and you inspire so many others,
With your power, 
Your strength,
And with your perseverance.

I know what it’s like to reach a point where you can’t even feel anymore.
That enveloping numbness.
You feel like it would be better to feel pain, 
because then at least you would be feeling something.
And then the pain comes.
It comes in waves, 
sometimes hard and close together,
other times farther apart, 
but crippling. 

You feel as if you are suffocating. 

But you’re NOT.

You have the ability to reach down deep within you, 
and find the strength to take a breath. 
Take a big one.
Now take another.

You can do this.

Don’t give up on everything you have to offer.
Because my dear, 
Your heart is so beautiful.
And even when you are at your darkest moments, 
you have power.

Do you remember when you were little little little?
Back when your hair danced in the wind, 
and the birds sang just for you?
When everything was literal.
Do you remember when loosing control meant falling off of your bike?
Way back when tears were shed over missing teddy bears, 
and skinned baby soft knees.
Back then apathy was a result of innocence, 
rather than experience. 

These things you’ve seen, 
These things you’ve had done to you,
These things they’ve taken from you,
These things....

These things are not a reflection of 
who you are,
what you are worth.

My dear,
If i could even begin to express to you 
just how cherished you are,
How highly regarded,
How prized!
The God of all creation,
The God of the mountains,
The God of the raging seas and superior starlight,
The God of perfect sunrises,
The God of deep belly laughter,
The God of sweet dessert and summer nights,
The God of family, 
This God,
Loved and valued 
He gave up his only son,
So He could call you his own.
His child.
His beloved.

You are wanted.
And honey,
You deserve this love.
He wouldn’t offer it to you if you didn’t. 

I know you feel like everyone leaves.
He won’t.
Everyone says they’ll help,
but they never do.
People forget.

You may not understand why you are here,
But He does. 

I know trust is hard for you,
it is for most people.
We live in a damaged world.
The planet is damaged,
The atmosphere is damaged.
The population is damaged. 
We were intended for good,
yet overcome by evil. 

But there is this beautiful hope,
firm and secure,
like an anchor for our souls.
You may not feel the gravity of that anchor yet,
but you will.
Just hold on. 

This world aches for the beat of your heart.

Your story isn’t over yet.

With all my love, Meg

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