Happy Birthday sweet girl!
To be completely honest,
this letter has been very hard to write.
The words just keep coming up short.
The words just keep coming up short.
I have decided, however, the only way to do this letter justice is to write it while eating ice cream.
Hemingway said,
"All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know."
So when all else fails,
that seems like a pretty good place to start.
My Mia,
you are the most extraordinary exceptionality.
There is nothing about you that is ordinary.
You are nothing less than pure sunshine.
Most people have to settle for golden drops of sun,
but I have been blessed so far beyond measure with you.
Your presence in my life acts as the most vivid reminder of the unending grace of our God.
I am in no way deserving of a best friend as loving and patient as you.
You have the most merciful heart.
Somehow you bring beauty out of everything,
and love others in a way that is so sincere it could make them question even their deepest insecurities.
You could move mountains. I truly believe that.
You've moved mountains within me.
August 19, 2013
proved that love is truly blind.
I spend so much of my life in sheer and utter awe of our Creator.
I wish I could tell you the number of times I have sat and cried,
and just poured out my heart to God thanking Him for placing you at Eastern,
in LFP,
and directly in front of me in the trust walk line that day.
We do not serve a God of accidents.
I hope you know how much I admire you.
You are so much of the person I want to be when I grow up.
You are the warmest,
most loving,
and encouraging person I have ever had the privilege of knowing.
You have brought an immeasurable amount of joy, laughter, and love into my life.
I wouldn't trade our nights spent laughing on your floor for anything in the world.
Thank you for always being there to say YES to dessert,
go on ridiculous adventures,
and providing all of the elegance and vivacity your spirit brings.
I love you so incredibly much.
Happy Birthday!
With all my love, Meg
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