"Instead it should be that of your inner self,
the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,
which is of great worth in God's sight."
1 Peter 3:4
"Do not forget to entertain strangers,
for by so doing some have entertained angels without knowing it."
Hebrews 13:2
What an incredible honor it is to celebrate you.
You bring an immeasurable amount of joy and beauty into the lives of everyone around you.
I hope this birthday we are able to return to you even a small glimpse of what you give us every day.
You are a beauty that transcends definition.
That word is used so carelessly,
but you are not beautiful like a
"sunrise over the sea"
or even the
"first snowfall of the season."
You challenge every cliche,
and make the stars tremble in inferiority.
You are beautiful like
the power of a quiet touch,
crossing tree root bridges,
butter on fresh baked croissants,
the way the whole world seems to dance when a storm brews.
You are what it feels like to hold a hot mug of tea,
and the hand of someone you love on a dreary day.
You are as boldly elegant and powerful as
s i l e n c e .
You are flowers in soft flowing hair,
as close to effortlessly perfect as one could be.
You are starry lights and barefoot dancing on summer nights.
You are the difference between experiencing beauty with the outside senses,
and feeling it internally.
And you are the most beautiful expression of the unending grace of the Father.
is so fitting as you've shown me what it means to exhibit true
grace and worship
in the midst of discouragement.
You have such an extraordinary heart for the Lord,
and you encourage me to further pursue Him every day.
He created you as a physical illustration of the fruits of the spirit.
Your veins flow with an unprecedented gentleness.
The sweet spirit you carry consistently humbles me.
You my dear girl are a beloved gem of the Father,
P R I N C E S S.
You are so incredibly loved.
I am so thankful for you Patsy.
I hope you have a birthday filled with
and all of the lovely things life has to offer.
With all my love, Meg